Transforming Realities with The Tetralemma
Undermining Toxic Trances and Identities with Hypnosis, Psychoactive Facilitation
and Non-Aristotalian Logic!
Beliefs, Understandings and Meanings are the foundation of our experienced reality and our everyday problem and resource trances...

Please Note: This video refers to the original workshop that this video programme was filmed at. For clarity - it is the video programme that is available here NOT a live workshop!

"One of the best courses I have bought in years..."
Paul Dixon - Hypnotist
Transforming Realities with the Tetralemma
Discover and Learn...
The nature and structure of toxic trances
The powerful tetralemma structure for building both
overt and conversational transcendent interventions
Subtleties and nuances unpacked through teaching,
live demonstration, Q&A and in-the-room coaching
£87 Lifetime Access
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Hi there...
If you follow my blogging (both HWT and beyond) you'll know I often speak of how our experience of reality is shaped from the inside out, how we live our lives through a series of hypnotic loops or 'trances' and how our 'worldview' is what underpins all of that.
This is why in the coaching and developmental hypnosis work I do I always emphasise making changes at this level - working with the embodied semantics and conceptual structures. Essentially, if a person doesn't shift the embodied understandings that hold a problem in place, they will never shift the problem.
In my work I use a lot of tools, but one that is a little more unusual AND is very effective for working at the level of understanding/worldview is The Tetralemma.
As stated in the video (please watch the video, it has a lot more detail than I am sharing here), The Tetralemma is an ancient Indian 'non-aristotalian' logical formula that is very powerful for shifting people into a 'right brain' (generative trance) space and utilising the capabilities of that space to loosen the semantic underpinnings of a problem state or identity. It can be used as a map for both a powerful spatial anchoring process OR as the underpinning for conversationally based hypnotic changework.
This video programme is a recording of a one day workshop where I taught not just The Tetralemma as a formal process, but also the principles and understandings that uderpin it in such a way as they can inform your changework and coaching on multiple levels. (full content listed in FAQs balow!)
All the very best,
James Tripp
Trance and Transcendence...
One of the things I would like to point out here is that, beyond The Tetralemma, I am introducing my currently evolving model of 'Trance and Transcendence' - this is the conceptualisation that underpins my entire approach to self-evolution, developing personal adaptedness and general 'Reality Shaping'.
Within this video programme you will not only see me outlining (perhaps 'installing') the Trance and Transcendence model but also, if you 'listen between the lines' notice that I am indirectly working to get powerful personal mindshifts for the people in the room.
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"I would say I learned more about the phenomena of interpersonal communication and the practical nature of consciousness from James Tripp's material than just eliciting interesting hypnosis phenomena—(which was a huge bonus)
The Tetralemma dramatically improved my bodywork/change work results"
Benjamin Brewer - Practitioner
What is included in the program?
What is Hypnosis Without Trance?
What is HWT good for?
What are the advantages of HWT compared to traditional approaches?
What are the origins of HWT?
Is this a 'drip feed' program?
Where, When and How was the programme recorded?
How long will it take me to complete the program?
What will I need to do to get the best from it?

Discover the powerful tetralemma structure for building both overt and conversational transcendent interventions

Learn how our experience of reality is shaped from the inside out and about the nature and structure of toxic trances

My entire approach self-evolution, developing personal adaptedness and general 'Reality Shaping'

"The Tetralemma course was a truly breath-taking experience. The content of the course is ground-breaking, like nothing I have experienced before. It has nearly been a year since attending the course and I am still finding powerful insights from the material you shared with us."
Adam Galvin - Tetralemma Live Workshop Participant
Transform Realities and undermine toxic trances and identities with
Transforming Realities with the Tetralemma
£87 Lifetime Access
Get Access Now!