This material has taught me more about Hypnosis than my previous 20 years in Psychology and 4 years as a practicing Hypnotherapist [and] should be a standard requirement for ANY Hypnotist wanting to bring about real change work. Everything is demonstrated without anything held back and explained in finest detail, to satisfy all learning styles. If you don’t learn this stuff you will be left behind!
Michael Skirving
DNLP, DHyp, LAPHP West Mids
Your teacher, coach & guide
Hi, I’m James Tripp and I am the developer of the Hypnosis Without Trance approach to Hypnotic Facilitation and creator and director of the HWT Online Deep Apprenticeship.
Amongst other things (like being a human and a dad and all that) I’m an internationally renowned developer and teacher in the world of Hypnosis and Hypnotic Facilitation as well as a professional developmental coach working with clients from across the globe.
I’m here teaching my understandings and approach to hypnosis because in 2009 I shook up the hypnosis world and challenged the status quo with my Hypnosis Without Trance blog and ‘near heretical’ e-book Hypnosis Beyond the Trance Myth. This set in motion a cascade of events that led on to being invited to teach hypnosis all over the world and to speak at some of the biggest hypnosis, hypnotherapy and NLP conferences on our sweet planet (Europe, Australia, U.S.A and Canada… and I’m told I currently hold the record for the largest Hypnosis Training event ever in the continent of South America).
Born out of my explorations in both Hypnotherapy and Street Hypnosis, Hypnosis Without Trance is an approach that removes a lot of redundancy and adds in a lot of flexibility and dynamism to the art and craft of hypnotic facilitation.
Transform your life and hypnosis practice through learning this rich craft of contemporary hypnotic facilitation.
Learn rare skills and gain hidden knowledge that is unavailable anywhere else, and will give you a virtual 'superpower' to move yourself ahead in life.
For those who are committed to developing and deepening their personal power in life. Who are ready and willing to re-examine cherished beliefs and explore/experiment with new principles, conceptual frameworks and psycho-social technologies. And who understand that profound personal change brings new developmental challenges.
A comprehensive resource archive of individual downloadable training programmes and webinar recordings, including
-Hypnosis Mastery Programme
-The No-Fail Protocol
-Changework Applications
-Rapid Induction Rituals
-Hypnotherapy Heresy
-Fundamentals of Non-Verbal Influence
and more...
Hypno-Dynamics Revealed (3 part video video program)
Hypnosis Beyond the Trance Myth: 2020 (ebook)
Access to a private Hypnosis learning and peer-support community on Facebook where you can get your hypnosis questions answered